The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England

MALE Adalberto

Joint-king of Italy, 950-961.

Adalberto was crowned as joint-king of Italy with his father Berengario II on 15 December 950, and they reigned until 961, when Otto the Great was declared king of Italy ["Et in viesimo quarto die qui fuit die di dominico 15. die Decembris, inter basilica sancti Michaeli qui dicitur maiore, fuerunt electi et coronati Berengarius et Adalbertus filio eius regibus, et regnaverunt in pace annos 12; et viscerunt se postquam coronam acceperant annis 24 et menses 4 et dies 5." Regum et imperatorum catalogi, MGH SS 3: 217; "Beringarius rex cum Adalberto filio suo primo anni sui regni erant ab incarnatione Domini anni 950. regnavit annos 11.", ibid.; most give 11 years, e.g., Annales breves, MGH SS 3: 188; Regum et imperatorum catalogi, MGH SS 3: 216, 218]. Liudprand states that king Adalberto fled from Italy to Freinet (in Provence) in about 962 or 963 ["Adeo enim eundem Adelbertum, eclesiarum dei eiusdemque papae Iohannis persecutorem, imperator sanctus terruerat, ut omnem Italiam deserens, Fraxinetum adiret, seque Sarracenorum fidei commendaret." Liudprand, Historia Ottonis, c. 4, Dümmler (1877), 125; Dümmler gives a marginal date of 963, as does Pertz in his edition in MGH SS 3: 340; Bouchard (1987), 311 gives a date of 962]. Benzo of Viviers states that Adalberto was driven out of Italy by Otto the Great and went to Autun ["... rex Albertus ... Quem magnus Otto exterminavit ab Italia, sed deficiente terra receperunt eum maria. Ubi per trihennium iactatus fluctibus evasit captivus, veniensque Augustidunum obiit peregrinus." Benzo, Ad Heinricum imperatorum libri VII, iii, 15, MGH SS XI: 628]. He spent his last days in Burgundy, and was the ancestor of the counts of Burgundy through his son Otte-Guillaume.

Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth:

Date of death: 20 April 975?
One of the catalogs of the Italian kings has the following to say about Berengario II and Adalberto: "... et viscerunt [i.e., vixerunt] se postquam coronam acceperant annis 24 et menses 4 et dies 5." ("... and they lived after they had accepted the crown 24 years, 4 months, and 5 days") [Regum et imperatorum catalogi, MGH SS 3: 217; see above]. Calculating from their coronation on 15 December 950 gives a date of 20 April 975. Since Berengario died in 966, it is difficult to see what this date could be other than the death date of Adalberto. Werner gives the range 972×5 for the death of Adalberto [Werner (1967), table].
Place of death: Unknown.

Father: Berengario II, d. 4 August 966, king of Italy, 950-961.

Mother: Willa, d. after 4 August 966, daughter of Boso, margrave of Tuscany.

Spouse: Gerberge, d. 986×992, daughter of Lambert, count of Chalon. She m. (2) Eudes-Henri, d. 1002, duke of Burgundy.
She is not directly documented as the wife of Adalberto, but she is documented as the mother of his son Otte-Guillaume. See the pages of
Gerberge and Otte-Guillaume for the details.


MALE Otte-Guillaume, d. 1026, count of Burgundy.
["Necnon etiam Willemus, Heinrici ducis privignus, Adalberti Longobardum ducis filius, ..." Rodulfus Glaber, lib. 3, ii, 6 (pp. 56-7)] His ancestry is also given in a charter of the German king Heinrich II in 1014 ["Otto qui et Vuillielmus comes filius Adalberti nepos Berengarii regis" MGH DD H II, 381 (#305)]


Conjectured daughter:
FEMALE Willibirg, m. Liutold, count (Sundgau).
[Jackman (1997), 84, with table on p. 85] See the comments on the page of

Falsely attributed children:
These four additional supposed children are given by Schwennicke, whose source is unclear [ES 2: 59].

FEMALE Gisela, m. ca. 983, Anselme I, margrave of Montferrat.
Gisela appears in a charter of 4 May 991, in which she is called the daughter of a margrave Adalberto ["Gisla comitissa filia Adalberti similique marchio" Breßlau (1879-84), 391]. However, there does not seem to be any good reason to identify Gisela's father with king Adalberto of Italy, especially in view of Breßlau's more probable identification of Gisela's father Adalberto with a member of the "Otbertiner" family [ibid., 391, 393, 419; Gisela had a son named Otbert, see p. 393].

MALE Arduin, d. 1015, margrave of Ivrea, king of Italy.
Schwennicke omits the title "king of Italy" and spells the name Harduin, but since he also lists Wibert and Amadeus, his identity is clear. Arduin was the son of a certain Dado, who is discussed on the page of Adalberto's father Berengario II. Schwennicke's source was evidently identifying Adalberto and Dado as the same individual, but there seems to be no good reason to accept that identification.

MALE Wibert, d. 1030, margrave of Ivrea.
Wibert was a son of Dado, and brother of Arduin ["Wibertus comes, filius bene memorie Dadoni itemque comes ..." Pabst (1864), 459].

MALE Amadeus.
Amadeus was another brother of Arduin [Pabst (1864), 459].


Bouchard (1987) = Constance Brittain Bouchard, Sword, Miter, and Cloister - Nobility and the Church in Burgundy, 980-1198 (Ithaca & London, 1987).

Breßlau (1879-84) = Harry Breßlau, Jahrbücher des Deutschen Reichs unter Konrad II., 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1879-84).

Dümmler (1877) = Ernst Dümmler, ed., Liudprandi episcopi Cremonensis opera omnia (MGH SRG, Hannover, 1877).

ES = Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln (neue Folge), (Marburg, 1980-present).

Hirsch (1862-75) = Siegfried Hirsch, Jahrbücher des Deutschen Reichs unter Heinrich II, 3 vols. (Berlin, 1862-4; Leipzig, 1875).

MGH DD = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Diplomata series.

MGH SS = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores series.

Pabst (1864) = Hermann Pabst, "Arduins Geschlecht und Familienverbindungen", in Hirsh (1862-75), 2: 458-461 (Excurs IV).

Rodulfus Glaber = Maurice Prou, ed., Raoul Glaber - les cinq livres de ses histoires (900-1044) (Paris, 1886).

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

First uploaded 20 September 2008.

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