Æthelweard, in his prologue dedicating his chronicle to his cousin Mathilde, gives the parentage of Ælftrude, her marriage to Baldwin of Flanders, and names their four children ["[Ælfred] Misit Ælfthrythe filiam suam ad partes Germaniæ Baldwino in matrimonium, et genuit ab ea filios duos Athulfum uiz. et Earnulfum, duas, duos filias quoque Ealhswid et Earmentruth;..." Æthelweard, 2]. Ælfred's biographer Asser mentions Ælfthryth as a daughter of Ælfred, but she was evidently not yet married at the time of writing in 893 [Asser, c. 75 (p. 57)]. Folcwine gives her name, but not her parentage ["... uxor eius nomine Elftrudis, ..." Folcwine, c. 103, MGH SS 13: 627], but he later mentions that Edwin (d. 933, erroneously called "rex"), brother of king Æthelstan, was related to Adalolf, son of Baldwin and Ælfthryth [ibid., c. 107, p. 629]. Witger does not give her name, but states that she was the most noble descendant of kings beyond the sea, also naming her two sons ["Qui Balduinus accepta uxore de nobilissima progenie regum ultramarinorum, sumpsit ex ea duos bonae indolis filios, quorum unam vocavit Arnulfum, fratrem vero eius Adelulfum." Witger, Genealogia Arnulfi Comitis, MGH SS 9: 303]. After her husband's death, on 11 September 918, Elftrude, along with her sons Arnulf and Adalolf, donated lands in England (Levesham, Greenwich, Woolwich) to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand ["... Egomet ipsa una cum filiis meis Arnulfo et Adelolfo ... pro remedio anime senioris mei Balduini et mee ipsius, filiorumque meorum, ...; S.ipsius Elstrudis comitisse que hanc traditionem fecit, firmarique petiit. S. Arnulfi et Adalulfi comitum, filiorum ipsius ..." Cart. S.-Pierre de Gand, 1: 20-1 (#14)]. Ælfthryth is called Æthelswith by William of Malmesbury ["... et Baldewino comiti Flandriæ Ethelswitha filia in conjugium data, ex qua ille genuit Ernulfum et Adulfum. Iste a patre comitatum Bononiæ suscepit; ex altero sunt hodie comites Flandriæ. Wm. Malmes. Gesta Regum, c. 123 (1: 133-4)].
Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth: Unknown.
Date of death: possibly 7 June 929.
Place of
death: Unknown.
Annales Blandiniensis is
the only source for the year ["Obiit Elftrudis comitissa",
Ann. Bland., s.a. 929, Grierson (1937), 17], and her
claimed epitaph at Saint-Pierre de Gand gives the day as 7 June
["Etgeri fueram prestantis filia regis / Elstrudis
proprio nomine dicta meo. / Que dum presentis vigui spiramine
lucis, / Balduini thalamis usa fui domini, / Septenis Iunii cum
fulsit in idibus astrum, / Me pius ad superos evocat hinc
dominus." MGH Poetae Latini 5: 298; "Alfredi"
is given in place of "Etgeri" in Adrien de
Budt, Chronicon Flandriae, Corpus Chron.
Fland., 1: 271]. Neither of these sources is
contemporary [see Dhondt (1940), 133-4].
Father: Ælfred "the Great", d. 26 October 899, king of Wessex.
Mother: Ealhswith, d. 5 December 902×3, daughter of Æthelred Mucil, ealdorman of the Gaini.
Spouse: Baldwin II,
d. 918, count/marquis of Flanders, 879-918.
As noted above, the marriage had apparently
not yet occurred when Asser was writing in 893.
See the page of Baldwin II
for details.
Arnulf I "the
Great", d. 27 March
964×5, count/marquis of Flanders, 918-964×5;
m. 934, Adèle, d. 960, daughter of Heribert II, count of Vermandois.
Adalolf (Æthelwulf), d. 13
November 933, count of Boulogne and Ternois, abbot of St. Bertin,
Falsely attributed
father: Eadweard "the
Elder", d. 924×5, king
of Wessex and Mercia.
Annales Elnonenses err in stating
that Baldwin's wife "Helfeth" and Ogiva,
wife of Charles the Simple, were daughters of king Adelwardus
of the English ["Balduinus, nepos Caroli Calvi, et
Carolus, filius Ludowici, uxores duxerunt filias Adelwardi regis
Anglorum, Carolus Ogivam, Balduinus sororem eius Helfeth nomine."
Ann. Elnonenses, Grierson (1937), 149].
Falsely attributed
father: Eadgar, d. 975, king of England
Later Flemish sources generally err by
calling her a daughter of king Edgar [e.g., Genealogia
comitum Flandriae Bertiniana, MGH SS 9: 305].
Æthelweard = A. Campbell ed., Chronicon Æthelweardi/The Chronicle of Æthelweard, (New York, 1962).
Asser = William Henry Stevenson, ed., Asser's Life of King Alfred (new impression, Oxford, 1959).
Cart. S.-Pierre de Gand = A. Van Lokeren, Chartes et documents de l'abbaye de Saint-Pierre au Mont Blandin à Gand, 2 vols. (Gand, 1868-71).
Corpus Chron. Fland. = Joseph-Jean de Smet, Corpus Chronicorum Flandriae, 4 vols. (Brussels, 1837-1865).
Dhondt (1940) = Jan Dhondt, "La donation d'Elstrude à Saint-Pierre de Gand", Bulletin de la commission royale d'histoire 18 (1940): 117-164.
Grierson (1937) = Philip Grierson, ed., Les Annales de Saint-Pierre de Gand et de Saint-Amand (Brussels, 1937). [Annales Blandinenses, Annales Elmarenses, Annales Formoselenses, Annales Elnonenses]
MGH Poet. Lat. = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Poetae latini aevi carolini.
MGH SS = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores series.
Wm. Malmes., Gesta Regum = William Stubbs, ed., Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi De gestis regum Anglorum. libri quinque; Historiæ Novellæ libri tres, 2 vols. (Rolls series 90, 1887-9).
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
First uploaded 20 June 2010.