The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England

MALE Aubry I (Albericus)

Count of Mâcon.

According to a list of counts of Mâcon appearing in the cartulary of Saint-Vincent de Mâcon, Aubry was originally from Narbonne, married the daughter of viscount Raculf of Mâcon, and made himself count of Mâcon after the death of bishop Berno of Mâcon ["Hec sunt nomina Comitum Matisconensium. Primus, Albericus Narbonensis qui, accipiens filiam Raculfi vice-comitis post mortem domini Bernonis Matiscensis episcopi, comitem se fecit; post hunc, Leotaldus filius ejus; ..." Cart. Mâcon, 6 (#7)]. Aubry appears with his sons Liétaud and Humbert in two charters dated 1 January 931 or 933 ["Leutaldus atque et Umbertus filii prenominati Alberici" Cart Mâcon, 6 (#8); "... Albericus comes ... filii mei Lotboldus et Umbertus, ... S. Albericus comes. S. Letoldus. S. Umbertus." ibid., 31-2 (#38)] and in another of uncertain date ["... Leutaldus comes atque Humbertus, filii prememorati Alberici, ..." ibid., 232 (#404)]. He was succeeded as count by his son Liétaud.

Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth:

Date of death: 28 September? 943?
["au 24 des ides de septembre (28 sept.)" [sic], Rameau (1901), 130, citing the obituary of Saint-Vincent de Mâcon] Poupardin places his death perhaps in 943 [Poupardin (1907), 216]. Bouchard gives the date 941 in a table, without offering a source [Bouchard (1987), 263]. The matter apparently needs further research.
Place of death: Unknown.

Probable father: Mayeul, fl. 15 June 911, viscount of Narbonne.
Probable mother:
Aubry's origin in Narbonne is verified by the early list of counts of Mâcon (see above), and he was probably the same person as the Aubry who appears as a son of vicount Mayeul of Narbonne and his wife Raimonde on 15 June 911 ["in Narbonense pago ... de infantes Maiolo uicecomite & uxori suae Raymundae, nomine Vualchario, & nec non & fratri suo Albericho uicecomite" Settipani (1994), 18, citing Devic & Vaisette, Histoire générale de Languedoc, V, #38, c. 130-1 (not seen by me)]

Spouse: Tolosane/Etolane/Attalane, daughter of Raculf, viscount of Mâcon.
Liétaud's page for three of his charters which give the name of his mother (in slightly varying forms).


MALE Liétaud, d. 958×960, count of Mâcon.
In addition to the early list of counts of Mâcon mentioned above, Liétaud names his parents in three of his charters (see the page of Liétaud).

MALE Humbert I, fl. 931×3-944, lord of Salins.
In addition to appearing as a son of Aubry in three charters of Saint-Vincent de Mâcon alreadt cited above, Humbert appears as a brother of Liétaud in a Cluny charter of February 944 ["Signum Leotaldi et Bertæ uxoris ejus, qui hanc donationem fieri et firmari rogavit. S. Unberti, fratris ejus." Cart. Cluny, 1: 610 (#655)]. The Angevin Saint-Aubin genealogies, showing the relationship of Foulques IV of Anjou (a descendant of Liétaud) to one of his wives (daughter of Gautier de Brienne and descendant of Humbert), also indicate that Liétaud "count of Besançon" and Humbert "count of Mâcon" were brothers ["Letaldus comes Vesconsiosis et Umbertus comes Matisconiensis fratres fuerunt ..." Poupardin (1900), 208].

FEMALE Attala.
She is mentioned in a charter of her brother Liétaud ["ego Leotaldus et uxor mea Berta, ..., quem mihi Lanbertus, consanguineus meus, dedit, et soror mea Attala michi postea reddidit, ... (Carta domni Leotaldi comitis ...)", February 944, Cart. Cluny, 1: 609-610 (#655)]. See Poupardin (1907), 213, for the suggestion that her name was a variant of her mother's name. Sackur suggested that she was married to Lambert, count of Chalon [Sackur (1892-4), 2: 469-471; see Lambert's page].


Falsely attributed second wife: Adiva, daughter of Eadweard (Edward) "the Elder", king of Wessex.
Falsely attributed son by her: Bouchard de Bray, ancestor of the Montmorencys, m. Hildegarde.
The underlying basis of this claim is a false charter of king Lothair, involving a knight Bouchard, son of duke Aubry (Alvericus), which mentions his wife Hildegard, brother Thibaud, and maternal uncle (avunculus) king Eadred (of England) ["... Burchardus miles, filius Alverici ducis, ... de consensu Hildegardis uxoris ejus, et de consilio Theobaldi domini de Centum Liliis, fratris ejus, ... ex Anglia, ... quos avunculus ejus, rex Aedredus, ei dederat ... Quaecumque vero a praefato Burchardo eidem loco donata sunt, villam videlicet quae dicitur Brayacus et duos molendinos apud villam quae dicitur Monsmorencius, ..." Rec. Actes Lothaire & Louis V, 136]. Dümmler calls Bouchard's father Aubry a Burgundian duke [Dümmler (1876), 9, n. 3], and Kalckstein identifies him specifically as count Aubry I of Mâcon [Kalckstein (1877), 256, 297-8]. As mentioned by Halphen and Lot in their edition of this act, the charter is a seventeenth century forgery [Rec. Actes Lothaire & Louis V, 137], and its claims are completely fantastic.

Falsely attributed son (mythical):
MALE Guillaume "Barbe-Sale" or "Bouche-Ointe", count of Mâcon.
[e.g., Pfister (1885), 393-4] This is a variation of the similar falsehood which would give such a son to Aubry I's grandson Aubry II. See the page of Aubry II for more details.


Bouchard (1987) = Constance Brottain Bouchard, Sword, Miter, and Cloister - Nobility and the Church in Burgundy, 980-1198 (Ithaca & London, 1987).

Cart. Cluny = A. Bernard & A. Bruel, Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Cluny, 6 vols., (Paris, 1876-1903).

Cart. Mâcon = M.-C. Ragut, ed., Cartulaire de Saint-Vincent de Mâcon (Mâcon, 1864).

Dümmler (1876) = Rudolf Köpke & Ernst Dümmler, Kaiser Otto der Große (Leipzig, 1876).

Kalckstein (1877) = Carl von Kalckstein, Geschichte des französischen Königthums unter den ersten Capetingern (Leipzig, 1877).

Pfister (1885) = Christian Pfister, Étude sur le règne de Robert le Pieux (996-1031) (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études, 64, Paris, 1885).

Poupardin (1900) = René Poupardin, "Généalogies angevines du XIe siècle", Mélanges d'Archéologie et d'Histoire (Paris, Rome) 20 (1900):199-208.

Poupardin (1907) = René Poupardin, Le royaume de Bourgogne (888-1038) - Étude sur les origines du royaume d'Arles (Paris, 1907).

Rameau (1901) = Mgr. Rameau, "Les comtes héréditaires de Mâcon", Annales de l'Académie de Mâcon, 3ser., 6 (1901): 121-209.

Rec. Actes Lothair & Louis V = Louis Halphen & Ferdinand Lot, eds., Recueil des actes de Lothaire et de Louis V rois de France (Paris, 1908).

Sackur (1892-4) = Ernst Sackur, Die Cluniacenser in ihrer kirchlichen und allgemeingeschichtlichen Wirksamkeit bis zur Mitte des elften Jahrhunderts (Halle an der Saale, 1892-4).

Settipani (2004) = Christian Settipani, La Noblesse du Midi Carolingien (Prosopographia et Genealogica 5, 2004).

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

First uploaded 24 April 2008.

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