The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England


Count in Italy, 826-7?

The Boso who was father of Hubert and Theutberge cannot be identified with certainty. He was perhaps the count in Italy who appears on 10 July 826 and 8 May 827 [Dümmler (1862-88), 2: 5, n. 2; Poupardin (1901), 46-7].

Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth:

Date of death: Unknown.
Place of death: Unknown.

Father: Unknown.

Spouse: Unknown.

In a letter to the bishops of the kingdom of Charles the Bald, complaining about the activities of the cleric Hubert, Pope Benedict III referred to Hubert as son of an otherwise unidentified Boso ["Quibus Hubertum clericum, quondam Busonis filium, ..." PL 115: 692 (#2)] and Theutberge is also called "filia Bosonis" in one document [Dümmler (1862-88), 2: 5, n. 3, citing "Baronii ann. 862 N. 58"]. Hubert and Theutberge are documented as siblings in the annals ["Lotharius Hucberto abbati ducatum inter Iurum et montem Iovis commisit, eo quod tunc fidelissimus putaretur, utpote affinitate coniunctus propter sororem Thietbirgam." Regino, Chronicon, s.a. 859, 78; "Lotharius reginam suam Teutbergam ... fratrem suum Hucbertum ..." Ann. Bertin., s.a. 860, 53].

MALE Hubert, d. 864, duke between the Alps and the Jura.

FEMALE Theutberge, m. 855, Lothair II, d. 8 August 869, king of Lorraine.
["Hlotharius rex filius Hlotharii imperatoris accepit uxorem Teutbergam." Annales Laubacenses, s.a. 855, MGH SS 1: 15; "Lotharius imperator, qui mutato habitu Prumiae monachus factus fuerat, obiit 3. Kal. Octob.; cui aequivocus filius suus Lotharius successerat, qui eo anno Tiethbergam, sororem Hucberti abbatis, duxit uxorem." Annales Lobienses, s.a. 855, MGH SS 13: 232; "Lotharius rex Thietbirgam reginam sibi in matrimonium iunxit;" Regino, Chronicon, s.a. 856, 77]

FEMALE NN, m. Buvin, count.
["... Bosone, filio Buvini quondam comitis, hoc missaticum apud matrem et materteram suam Teutbergam, Hlotharii regis relictam, ..." Ann. Bertin., s.a. 869, 107] That the word matertera should be interpreted here with its classical meaning of "maternal aunt" is further supported by onomastics, for Buvin had a son Boso. There is no good evidence for her name. Chaume calls her Richilde (Richeut) and gives her a second marriage to a certain Echard [Chaume (1925), 1: 544-5 (table 9)]. Parisot calls her Richilde with a question mark [Parisot (1898), 83]. Their sons, king Boso of Provence and duke Richard of Burgundy, were two of the most notable figures of the late eighth and early ninth centuries.


Conjectured father (evidence weak): Boso, fl. before 814, 826, count.
Chaume identifies Boso, father of Hubert and Theutberge, with a Bosonis filius who appears in a document of 826 [Chaume (1925), 544-5 (table 9)].

Conjectured wife (onomastic speculation): NN, daughter of Theutberge, perhaps by Regnier.
Depoin conjectures that the wife of Boso was a daughter of Theutberge (daughter of a certain Raineric), "perhaps" by count Regnier, fl. 853 [Depoin (1905-8), 62-3, 69]. The whole scenario is devoid of any reasonable basis.

Possible son (no direct evidence):
Although there is no direct evidence to prove that he belongs in this family, it has been generally regarded as likely that the following count Boso was a brother of Hubert and Theutberge [Dümmler (1862-88), 17, n. 2; Parisot (1898), 83, n. 3; Poupardin (1901), 297-8].

MALE Boso, d. 874×8, count, m. Engeltrude, daughter of Matfrid.
[Parisot (1898), 165-7, 169-170; Poupardin (1901), 297-306]


Ann. Bertin. = G. Waitz, ed., Annales Bertiniani (MGH SRG 6, Hannover, 1883).

Chaume (1925) = Maurice Chaume, Les origines du duché de Bourgogne, 4 vols. (Dijon, 1925).

Depoin (1905-8) = Joseph Depoin, Études sur le Luxembourg à l'époque carolingienne. I. Le domaine de Mersch et ses possesseurs (2nd ed., Luxembourg, 1908 [1st ed. 1905]).

Dümmler (1862-88) = Ernst Dümmler, Geschichte des Ostfränkischen Reiches (Leipzig, 1862-88).

Parisot (1898) = Robert Parisot, Le Royaume de Lorraine sous les Carolingiens (1898, reprinted Geneva, 1975).

PL = P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus, series Latina, 221 vols. (Paris, 1844-1859).

Poupardin (1901) = René Poupardin, Le royaume de Provence sous les Carolingiens (Paris, 1901).

Regino, Chronicon = Friedrich Kurze, ed., Reginonis abbatis Prumiensis Chronicon cum continuatione Treverensi (MGH SRG, Hannover, 1890).

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

First uploaded 20 September 2008.

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