Married to count Geoffroy of Gâtinais, she was a widow by late 1045 or early 1046 when her mother Hildegarde departed for the Holy Land [Halphen (1906), 293 (act #169); Guillot (1972), 1: 102, n. 453; 2: 159 (act C 242)]. She then became the second wife of duke Robert I of Burgundy, probably not long afterward (since her daughter by that marriage was married in 1067), and died on the same day as her husband, 18 March 1076. As heiress of her brother Geoffroy II Martel, count of Anjou, Ermengarde carried the Angevin possessions to her sons Geoffroy III "le Barbu" and Foulques IV "le Rechin". For "Blanche" as a possible surname (cognomen) of Ermengarde, see the page of Foulques III "Nerra".
Date of Birth: Unknown.
Place of
Birth: Unknown.
Date of Death: 18 March 1076.
The obituary of Molème gives 18 March (XV kal.
Apr.) as the death date of both Robert and his wife Ermengarde
["XV kal. aprilis, obiit Robertus, dux Burgundie, et
Ermentrudis, uxor ejus." Obituaire de Molème, in Petit
(1894), 386].
Place of Death: Unknown.
Foulques III
"Nerra", d.
1040, count of Anjou.
See, e.g., Poupardin (1900), 206-8, and the
Chronicle of Foulque le Réchin [see Halphen (1906), 11; Watson
(1897), 2], which state that Ermengarde was a daughter of Foulque
III "Nerra", sister of Geoffroy II "Martel",
wife of count Geoffroy of Château-Landon, and mother of Geoffroy
III and Foulques IV. The several twelfth century sources which
erroneously make count Aubri the father of Geoffroy III and
Foulques IV either do not provide a name for the wife (all but
one) or call her Adela, apparently confusing her with her
half-sister [see Watson (1897), 1-2, giving quotes from these
sources], but still agree that she was a daughter of Foulques
Hildegarde de Lorraine, d. 1
April 1046.
[Halphen (1906), 293 (act #169); Guillot (1972), 1: 102,
n. 453; 2: 159 (act C 242)]
(1) Geoffroy (III), d. 1042×1045, count of Gâtinais.
Her husband was not count Aubri, nor was he a double-named
Aubri-Geoffroy. See the page for count Geoffroy of Gâtinais for details.
(2) Robert I, d. 18 March 1076
[the same day as his wife, see above], duke of Burgundy, son of Robert
II, king of France.
The Saint-Aubin genealogies show that Ermengarde's daughter
Hildegarde was "de altero patre" and "filia
Roberti ducis fratris Henrici regis" [Poupardin (1900),
206], and chart the consanguinity between Ermengarde and Robert's
brother king Henri (I) of France. Having been married earlier to
Hélie de Semur, whom he set aside, duke R[obert] of the
Burgundians was mentioned (along with a count Thibaut) in a
letter from abbot Jean I of Fécamp to pope Leo IX as having
entered into a consanguineous marriage, and this is presumably a
reference to his marriage with Ermengarde ["... Fabula
autem haec subsannationis veritur de Tedbaldo comite et
Burgundiorum infrunito duce R., qui, transgressores pontificaium
decretorum, fas nefasque confundunt, qui abdicatis legitimi thori
connubiis, volutantur in inhonestis et consanguinitate foedatis
thalamis. ..." PL 143: 797-800].
(by Geoffroy, count of
See above and on the page for count Geoffroy of Gâtinais..
Geoffrey III "le Barbu", d.
aft. 1096, count of Anjou, 1060-1068.
Foulques IV "Réchin", d. 1109, count of
Anjou, 1068-1109.
(by Robert, duke of Burgundy)
Hildegarde/Audearde, living 9 June ×
9 September 1080 [Act C 321(c), Guillot
(1972), 2: 202-3], m. ca. 1067, Guy-Geoffroy,
d. 24 September 1086 [Chronicon Sancti
Maxentii Pictavensis, Marchegay & Mabille (1869), 408; Annales
de Saint-Florent, Halphen (1903), 119],
count of Poitou and duke of Aquitaine.
Hildegarde appears with the variant name Audearde (Aldeardis)
as a daughter of Robert of Burgundy in a record of her marriage
to count Guy-Geoffroy of Poitou ["Per haec tempora duxit
uxorem Guido comes Aldeardim, filiam Roberti ducis Burgundiae et
neptam Ainrici regis Francorum, relicta Matode supradicta",
Chronicon Sancti Maxentii Pictavensis, s.a. 1067,
Marchegay & Mabille (1869), 404 (Mateode was Gui-Geoffroy's
first wife, ibid., 400)]. This is confirmed
by a charter of 9 June × 9 September 1080, which mentions
countess Hildegarde of Poitou, sister of count Foulques [Act C
321(c), Guillot (1972), 2: 202-3].
Possible additional child by Geoffroy:
Hildegarde, m. Joscelin de
Courtenay, d. ca. 1065.
See the page on count Geoffroy of Gâtinais.
Falsely attributed husband:
Aubri, living 1028, count of
See the page on count Geoffroy of Gâtinais.
Guillot (1972) = Olivier Guillot, Le Comte d'Anjou et son entourage au XIe siècle, 2 vols. (Paris, 1972).
Halphen (1903) = Louis Halphen, ed., Recueil d'annales angevines et vendômoises (Paris, 1903).
Halphen (1906) = Louis Halphen, Le comté d'Anjou au XIe siècle (Paris, 1906).
Marchegay & Mabille (1869) = Paul Marchegay & Émile Mabille, eds., Chroniques des églises d'Anjou (Société de l'Histoire de France, Paris, 1869).
Petit (1894) = Ernest Petit, Histoire des ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne, 10 vols. (Paris, 1894; Kraus reprint, 1976).
PL = P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus, series Latina, 221 vols. (Paris, 1844-1859).
Poupardin (1900) = René Poupardin, "Généalogies angevines du XIe siècle", Mélanges d'Archéologie et d'Histoire (Paris, Rome) 20 (1900):199-208.
Watson (1897) = G. W.Watson, "The ascendants of Geoffrey Plantagenet", The Genealogist, n.s. 13 (1897): 1-10.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
First uploaded 11 May 2006.