Date of Birth: Unknown.
Place of Birth: Unknown.
Date of Death: Unknown.
Place of Death: Unknown.
Megingoz, d. ca. 998.
[Vita Adelheidis Abbatissae Vilicensis,
c. 3, MGH SS 15, 757]
Gerberge, daughter of "duke" Godefroid
[Vita Adelheidis Abbatissae Vilicensis,
c. 3, MGH SS 15, 757]
Spouse: Heribert, d. 992, count in Kinziggau.
[Schenk zu Schweinsberg (1904), part I: "Die Verwandtschaft
des Grafen Otto von Hammerstein mit seiner Gemahlin
Irmingard", pp. 351-9]. For more details, see the page of
her unnamed daughter, the wife of Frédéric, advocate of Stavelot-Malmédy
(often called "of Luxemburg").
Gebhard [Thietmar
Chron. vii, 34, MGH SS 3, 852; Annalista Saxo, MGH
SS 6, 671], d. 8 November 1016 [Thietmar Chron. vii, 34, MGH SS 3, 852 (day
of year: ibid., n. 23, citing V. Calend. Merseb.)], count.
Otto "von Hammerstein" [Thietmar Chron. 5, 16, MGH SS 3, 797, Annalista
Saxo, MGH SS 6, 650], d. prob. 1036,
count in Wetterau ["... in pago
Wedereiba in comitatu Ottonis situm ..." MGH DD H 2,
450 (#351)].
NN; m. Frédéric,
d. 6 October 1019, count; advocate of Stavelot-Malmédy.
In the life of Ermentrude's sister abbess Adelheid,
Ermentrude is stated to have been the grandmother (avia)
of dukes Henri/Heinrich and Frédéric and bishop Adalbero
["Ex quibus una nomine Irminthrudis avia erat Henrici
magnifici ducis et Adhelberonis Metensis episcopi, Friderici
ducis fratrumque suorum, magnorum scilicet huius temporis
virorum." Vita Adelheidis Abbatissae
Vilicensis, c. 3, MGH SS 15: 757]. Since Frédéric's mother
is known to have been named Hedwig (see the page of Frédéric's
father Sigefroid), this identifies Ermentrude as Frédéric's
mother-in-law, but without identifying the name of Frédéric's
wife. Note that this source gives direct proof only for the
identity of the mother-in-law of Frédéric, and does not
identify Ermentrude's husband, which involves less direct
evidence. (See also below in the Commentary section.).
Supposed daughter (unproven):
Gerberga, m. Heinrich von Schweinfurt.
This link is suggested by a passage of
Thietmar of Merseberg, who gives Gerberga a brother Otto, who is
otherwise unidentified, but can be plausibly identified as Otto
von Hammerstein [Thietmar v, 21, MGH SS 3: 800-1]. Although
unproven, this link would also fit well onomastically, since
Ermentrude's mother was named Gerberge [see Brandenburg (1964),
93; Werner (1967), 476-7].
Falsely attributed
marriages (conjectured by Vanderkindere):
(1) Richard, fl. 971, count of Metz.
(2) Arnoul de Florennes, d. before 1010.
[Vanderkindere 2: 178-9]
Brandenburg (1964) = Erich Brandenburg, Die Nachkommen Karls des Großen (Frankfurt, 1964).
MGH DD = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Diplomata series.
MGH SS = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores series.
Schenk zu Schweinsberg (1904) = Gustav Freiherr Schenk zu Schweinsberg, "Genealogische Studien zur Reichsgeschichte" (part I: "Die Verwandtschaft des Grafen Otto von Hammerstein mit seiner Gemahlin Irmingard"), Archiv für hessische Geschichte und Altertumskunde, n.s. 3 (1904): 351-9.
Vanderkindere (1902) = Léon Vanderkindere, La Formation Territoriale des Principautes Belge au Moyen Age (2 vols., 2nd ed., Brussels, 1902, reprinted 1981).
Werner (1967) = Karl Ferdinand Werner, "Die Nachkommen Karls des Großen bis um das Jahr 1000 (1.-8. Generation)", Karl der Große 4 (1967): 403-483.
I would like to thank Chris Phillips for sharing copies.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
First uploaded 5 April 2007.