The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England

MALE Hugues III of Maine

Count of Maine, 976×992-1014×5.

Hugues first appears witnessing a charter of Saint-Julien de Tours in March 967 along with his father count Hughes II and brother Fulcoin/Foulques ["Signum Hugonis, Cinomannorum comitis. Signum Hugonis, filii ejus. Signum Fulcuini, filii e[jus similit]er." Grandmaison (1885-6), 229 (#XXI)]. The chronology of the early part of his reign is vague, but he had succeeded by December 992, when his brother Fulcoin appears as "Fulcho, frater Hugoni comitis Cinnomanensis" in a Poitevan charter [Cart. S.-Maixent, 1: 78 (#LXI)]. Although he appears in a number of charters, most of them cannot be accurately dated [see Latouche (1910), 139-142]. Hugues III was still living in 1014, when he gave the land of Voivres to the monks of Mont-Saint-Michel [Cart. S.-Victeur, 6 (#4)]. His son Herbert I "Wake-Dog" appears as count in 1016 (see below).

Date of Birth: Unknown.
Place of Birth: Unknown.

Date of Death: 3 September or 25 October, 1014×5.
As already indicated above, Hugues was still alive in 1014. His son Herbert I "Wake-Dog" was already present as count of Maine at the Battle of Pontlevoy on 6 July 1016. To rule 1016 out as the date of death, Latouche pointed out that the cartulary of Évron (not seen by me) had death dates for three different counts Hugues of Maine, 26 March, 3 September, and 25 October. The date 26 March belongs to Hugues IV, and it is very likely that one of the others is the date of death of Hugues III, ruling out 1016, since Herbert was already count on 6 July of that year [Latouche (1910), 22, n. 1].
Place of Death: Unknown.

Father: Hugues II, d. 976×992, count of Maine.

Mother: Unknown.

Spouse(s): Unknown.


MALE Herbert I "Éveille-Chien", d. 1032×5, count of Maine.
The relationship between Hugues III and Herbert I is stated by an early interpolation to Adémar de Chabannes ["... Arbertum Cenomannis comitem [filium Ugonis]" Adémar Chab., iii, 64, (p. 189); the addition "filium Ugonis" appears in a twelfth century manuscript] and Orderic Vitalis ["Herbertus Cenomannorum comes ... Hugonis patris sui ..." OV iv (vol. 2, pp. 304-5)]. It is further confirmed by the statement of the Actus that Herbert Bacon (a brother of Hugues III, as confirmed by charters - see the page of Hugues II) was an avunculus of Herbert I ["... Herbertus, comes, cognomine Baco, avunculus Herberti, qui fuit temporibus Avesgaudi episcopi, ..." Act. Pont. Cenom., 363].


Act. Pont. Cenom. = Busson & Ledru, eds., Actus Pontificum Cenomannis in urbe Degentium (Archives Historiques du Maine 2, Le Mans, 1902).

Adémar Chab. = Jules Chavanon, ed., Adémar de Chabannes - Chronique (Paris, 1897).

Cart. S.-Maixent = Alfred Richard, Chartes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'abbaye de Saint-Maixent, 2 vols. (Archives Historiques du Poitou 16, 1886; 18, 1887).

Cart. S.-Victeur = Paul de Farcy, ed., Cartulaire de Saint-Victeur au Mans (Paris, 1895).

Grandmaison (1885-6) = Charles de Grandmaison, ed., "Fragments de chartes du xe siècle provenant de Saint-Julien de Tours", Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes 46 (1885): 373-429; 47 (1886): 226-273.

Latouche (1910) = Robert Latouche, Histoire de comté du Maine (Paris, 1910).

OV = Marjorie Chibnall, ed. & trans., The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, 6 vols. (Oxford, 1969-80).

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

Uploaded 10 January 2008.

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