Hugues IV succeeded his father Herbert I "Wake-Dog" in 1032×5. His early years were spent under the domination of his great-uncle Herbert Bacon (see the page of Hugues II) as acting count. He was succeeded in 1051 by his son Herbert II.
Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth: Unknown.
Date of death: 26 March, probably 1051.
The date was 26 March [(VII
kalendas aprilis) "Sic obiit Hugo, comes, Herberti
filius, qui omnes duarum villarum consuetudines, de Mantula,
videlicet et de Banait, beati Julianni ecclesie condonavit."
Nec. Mans, 72]. Halphen showed that Hugues died after the middle
of 1050 (letter from Geoffroi Martel of Anjou to pope Leo IX) and
before 15 August 1052 (before which occurred the death of Hugues
and the captivity and relase of bishop Gervais). Of the two
possible years, 1051 and 1052, 1051 is much more likely [Halphen
(1906), 75-6].
Place of death: Unknown.
Father: Herbert I, d.
1032×5, count of Maine.
["... ab Hugone Cenomanorum comite
filio Herberti illius qui Evigilans-Canes dictus est, ..."
ca. 1046, Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 123
Mother: Unknown.
Spouse: m. 14 May 1045 × 14 May 1047, Berthe,
d. 1085, daughter of Eudes,
count of Blois, and widow of Alain III, count of
["Hugo filius Herberti postquam Alannus
Britannorum comes a Normannis in Normannia impotionatus occubuit
Bertam ipsius relictam Tedbaldi Blesensium comitis sororem in
coniugium accepit" OV iv (vol. 2, pp.
304-5); "In tantum autem antistes Gervasius dilexit
Hugonem, quem de sacro fonte susceperat, ut quaereret ei uxorem,
Bertam videlicet, nobilissimam, feminam, Alani, Britannorum
comitis, olim conjugem; ..." Act. Pont. Cenom.,
365] The date range can be deduced because a charter datable to
the range 14 May 1046 × 14 May 1047 is stated to have occurred
in the year in which the count married Berthe ["quo anno
idem comes Bertam duxerat in uxorem" Latouche (1910),
28, n. 4; 144]. Latouche cites the cartulary of Sainte-Croix de
Quimperlé for her date of death [Latouche (1910), 33, n. 2].
The genealogy of the counts of Maine during this period is
discussed in detail on Paula's page.
Herbert II, d. 9 March 1062, count of
["Obiit Habertus, comes, filius
Hugonis juvenis" 9 March, Nec. Mans, citing Martyrologe
du Pré; Latouche, 33, n. 3, also cites the cartulary of
Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé]
Margaret, fiancé
of Robert II, duke of Normandy, son of William the Conqueror.
Act. Pont. Cenom. = Busson & Ledru, eds., Actus Pontificum Cenomannis in urbe Degentium (Archives Historiques du Maine 2, Le Mans, 1902).
Cart. Trinité de Vendôme = Charles Métais, Cartulaire de l'abbaye cardinale de la Trinité de Vendôme, 2 vols. (Paris, 1893).
Halphen (1906) = Louis Halphen, Le comté d'Anjou au XIe siècle (Paris, 1906).
Latouche (1910) = Robert Latouche, Histoire de comté du Maine (Paris, 1910).
Nec. Mans = Busson & Ledru, Nécrologe-obituaire de la Cathédrale du Mans (Archives Historiques du Maine 7, Le Mans, 1906).
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
Uploaded 10 January 2008.