Robert succeeded as archbishop of Rouen on the death of archbishop Hugh (ca. 989) [GND iv, 19 (vol. 1, p. 133)], and was succeeded in that office by his nephew Mauger, son of Robert's brother duke Richard II. Although his use of the title of count of Évreux is not confirmed by contemporary charters, Robert is also called by this title in some narrative sources [e.g., GND (Rob. Tor.) viii, 17 (vol. 2, pp. 232-3); see also Douglas (1946), 132-3]
Date of Birth: Unknown.
Place of
Birth: Unknown.
Date of Death: 1037.
[Chr. Rob. Tor., s.a. 1037; Chr. S. Steph. Cadom., s.a.
Place of Death: Unknown.
Richard I
"of Normandy", d. 21 November
[Dudo iv, 125 (p. 164); GND iv, 18 (vol. 1, pp. 128-131)]
Gunnor, d. January 1031.
[Dudo iv, 125 (p. 164); GND iv, 18 (vol. 1, pp. 128-131)]
Spouse: Herleve [OV v, 9 (vol. 3, pp. 84-5)]
[GND (Rob. Tor.) vii, 2-4 (vol. 2, pp. 94-9); viii, 17 (vol. 2,
pp. 232-3); OV v, 9 (vol. 3, pp. 84-5)]
Richard, d. 1067, count of Évreux.
Rodulf de Gacé.
William, m. Hawise, daughter of Giroie [GND vii (4) (vol.
2, pp. 98-9)].
Chr. Rob. Tor. = L. C. Bethemann, ed., Roberti de Monte Chronica (a continuation by Robert de Torigni of the chronicle of Sigebert de Gembloux), MGH SS 6, 476-535.
Chr. S. Steph. Cadom. = Ex Chronicum S. Stephani Cadom., RHF 11: 379-80.
Douglas (1946) = David Douglas, "The Earliest Norman Counts", English Historical Review 61 (1946), 129-156.
Dudo = Eric Christiansen, ed. & trans., Dudo of St. Quentin, History of the Normans (The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1998). Citation is by book and chapter of Dudo's work, with the page number in parentheses.
GND = Guillaume de Jumièges, Gesta Normannorum Ducum, as edited in Elisabeth van Houts, ed. & trans., The Gesta Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis and Robert of Torigni, 2 vols., (Oxford, 1992). Citation is by book and chapter of Guillaume's work, with the volume and page number of the edition by van Houts in parentheses. Unless otherwise stated, references are to Guillaume's work, and not to later additions by such authors as Orderic Vitalis and Robert de Torigny.
GND (Rob. Tor.) = Additions to GND by Robert de Torigny.
MGH SS = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores series.
OV = Marjorie Chibnall, ed. & trans., The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, 6 vols. (Oxford, 1969-80).
RHF = Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin