The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England

MALE Sigram

Father of Chrodegang, bishop of Metz.

Evidently connected with the pagus of Hesbaye (Haspengau), Sigrm and his wife Landrada are identified by Paul the Deacon as the parents of bishop Chrodegang of Metz ["Iam hinc vir egregius et omnibus praeconiis efferendur, Chrodegangus antistes eilgitur, ex pago Hasbaniensi oriundus, patre Sigramno, matre Landrada, Francorum ex genere primae nobilitatis progenitus." Paul the Deacon, Gesta Episc. Mettensium, MGH SS 2: 267]. Nothing further is known of them for certain.

Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth:

Date of death: Unknown.
Place of death: Unknown.
Nothing is known of the chronology of Sigram beyond what might be estimated or conjectured from the fact that he was the father of Chrodegang and Gundeland. He perhaps flourished in the early eighth century.

Father: Unknown.
For conjectured origins, see the Commentary section.

Mother: Unknown.

Spouse: Landrada.

Wertner identified Ingram's father as Gundeland, abbot of Lorsch, the known brother of Chrodegang, but it is far more likely that Ingram's father was an unknown third brother not connected with the church [Wertner (1884), 55].

MALE Chrodegang, d. 6 March 766, archbishop of Metz, 742-766.
Chrodegang was chosen as archbishop of Metz in 742 in succession to Sigibald. ["Chrodegangus archiepiscopus, qui sedit annos 23, menses 5, dies 5. Requiescit in Gorzia monasterio, quod ipse a fundamentis construxit. Obiit pridie Non. Mart. et cessavit episcopatus annos 2, et menses 6, et dies 19." Catalogus episcoporum Mettensium, in Paul the Deacon, Gesta episcop. Mettensium, MGH SS 2: 269; "transivit domnus Hrodegangus archiepiscopus pridie Non. Mart." Annales Laureshamenses, s.a. 766, MGH SS 1: 28]

MALE Gundeland, d. 778×9, abbot of Lorsch.
["... Gundelandum germanum suum" (i.e., of Rudgang/Chrodegang) 6 (#2); ibid., 9 (#3); "Et Gundolandus abba obiit." Annales Laureshamenses, s.a. 778, MGH SS 1: 31; "Anno Dominicæ incarnationis DCCLXXVIIII. Gundelando igitur deposito carnis onere ad coelestia commigrante ..." Codex Lauresh. 1: 22 (#8)]

MALE NN, father of Ingram, duke.
Thegan states that Ingram's father was a brother of Chrodegang ["Supradictus vero Hludowicus postquam ad aetatem perbenit, desponavit sibi filiam nobilissimi ducis Ingoramni, qui erat filius fratris Hruotgangi, sancti pontificis." Thegan, Vita Hludowici, c. 4, MGH SS 2: 591]. No known source gives his name.


Chrodegang's relationship to count Cancor

As noted on the page of Landrada, the account of the foundation of the monastery of Lorsch in the Chronicle of Lorsch states that bishop Chrodegang was a cousin of count Cancor, son of count Robert and his wife Williswinde. As discussed there, the most likely outcome of this evidence is that Landrada and Robert were closely related.

Conjectured father: Robert, dux in Hesbaye, 722-742.
Apparently based on this relationship, Chaume conjectures that Cancor's father Robert was the nephew of another Robert, dux in Hesbaye, 722-742, who in turn is conjectured as the father of Sigram [Chaume (1925), 537 (table V)]. However, the link was more likely through Chrodegang's mother.

Falsely attributed daughter:
FEMALE St. Opportune.
[Pinoteau (1958), table between pp. 256-7; he states that Opportune was sister of Chrodegang and cousin of a Robert, citing Chaume (1947), 211, the latter not seen by me] However, St. Opportune was a sister of St. Godegrand (sometimes called Chrodegang), bishop of Sées, who was distinct from Chrodegang of Metz ["Nam parentes eius nobilitatis genere pollentes & regalis prosapiæ apice florentes, incliti Oximensis pagi super omnes qui inibi morabantur homines maxima duo luminaria mundo genuerunt, beatum scilicet Godogra[n]dum Sagiensis Ecclesia Episcopu[m], cui ego, Domino dispensante, deseruio & sancta[m] Opportunam, cuius hodie patrocinia veneramur sorore[m] eius almifluam." Vita S. Opportunæ virginis, c. 1-3, Gosset (1659), 36-7].


Chaume (1925) = Maurice Chaume, Les origines du duché de Bourgogne, 4 vols. (Dijon, 1925).

Chaume (1947) = Maurice Chaume, Recherches d'histoire chrétienne et médiévale (mélanges) (Dijon, 1947). [Not seen by me]

Codex Lauresh. = Codex principis olim Laureshamensis abbatiae diplomaticus, 3 vols., (Mannheim, 1768-70). I have only had access to volumes 1 and 2. I have not seen Glöckner's modern edition [K. Glöckner, ed., Codex Laureshamensis, 3 vols., (Darmstadt, 1929-36)].

Gosset (1659) = Nicolas Gosset, ed., La vie et miracles de Ste. Opportune abbesse (Paris, 1659).

MGH SS = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores series.

Pinoteau (1958) = Hervé Pinoteau, "Les origines de la maison capétienne", Recueil du IVe congrès international des sciences généalogique et héraldique (Bruxelles, 1958), 240-276 + gen. table.

Simson (1874-6) = Bernhard Simson, Jahrbücher des Fränkischen Reichs unter Ludwig dem Frommen, 2 vols. (1874-6).

Wertner (1884) = Moriz Wertner, "Zur Genealogie der Karolinger", Jahrbuch der k.k.heraldischen Gesellschaft Adler zu Wien 14/11 (1884): 53-60.

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

First uploaded 16 August 2012.

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