The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England

MALE Bertila

Wife of Berengario I, king of Italy.

Bertila appears frequently in acts of Berengario I from 3 November 890 ["... et petitione Berchtilae dilectae coniugis et consortis regni nostri ..." Dipl. Bereng. I, 38 (#10)] to 27 July 910 ["... nostre dilectissime coniugis nostrique regni consortis Berchtile ..." ibid., 194-5 (#72); also two undated later charters, ibid., 270 (#104), 292 (#113)]. Charged with adultery, she died by poison, at some time before Berengario became emperor in 915 [Gesta Berengarii imperatoris, ii, 77-80, Dümmler (1871), 101; Rosenwein (1996), 258].

Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth:

Date of death: 910 ×5.
Place of death: Unknown.

Father: Suppo (II), d. 882×3, count.
A gloss to the Gesta Berengarii imperatoris names Adalgise, Wifred, and Boso as the sons of Suppo and states that their sister was the wife of the king ["Tres autem fuerent filii Subponis in prelio: Adalgisus, Wifredus et Boso", "quia soror eorum coniux regis erat" Gesta Berengarii imperatoris, ii, 78a, 79a, Dümmler (1871), 101; see also Hlawitschka (1960), sketch of Suppo (II), and Excurs: "Zur Genealogie der Supponiden", 299-309].

Mother: Bertha, daughter of count Wifred.
Her parentage is given in a document of Piacenza from July 902 ["Berta devotissima ancilla X pi sancte religionis induta, filia bo. mem. Vuifredi comiti ex genere francorum et relicta qdm. Suponi" Hlawitschka (1960), Excurs: "Zur Genealogie der Supponiden", 299-309; see also ibid., sketch of Suppo (II)].

Spouse: Berengario I, d. 7 April 924, king of Italy.

See the page of Berengario I for details.

FEMALE Gisela, m. before 900, Adalberto, d. (perhaps) 923, margrave of Ivrea.

FEMALE Bertha, d. after 17 January 951, abbess of St. Salvatore, Brescia.


Dipl. Bereng. I = Luigi Schiaparelli, ed., I diplomi di Berengario I (Fonti per la storia d'Italia, 35, Rome, 1903).

Dümmler (1871) = Ernst Dümmler, Gesta Berengarii Imperatoris (Halle, 1871).

Hlawitschka (1960) = Eduard Hlawitschka, Franken, Alemannen, Bayern und Burgunder in Oberitalien (774-962) (Freiburg, 1960).

Rosenwein (1996) = Barbara H. Rosenwein, "The Family Politics of Berengar I, king of Italy (888-924)", Speculum 71 (1996): 247-289.

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

First uploaded 20 September 2008.

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