The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England

FEMALE Ermengarde

Wife of Liétaud, count of Mâcon.

Ermengarde appears with her husband Liétaud in a donation to Cluny dated 8 or 12 April 935, in which both give the names of their parents ["... ego Leotaldus, Dei gratia comes, necnon et uxor mea Ermengardis, pro Dei amore et eterna retributione, ut pius Dominus animas nostras vel parentum nostrorum, Alberici atque Tolosane, Manassei et Ermengardis, ..." Cart. Cluny, 1: 420 (#432); for the date, see ibid., 421, n. 1]. Ermengarde was mentioned as deceased on 21 September 942, in a charter where Liétaud appears with his second wife Berthe ["Ego Leotaldus gratia Dei comes et uxor mea Berta, per amorem Dei, ut pius Dominus animam patris mei Alberici necnon et animam matris mee Attalane, seu et nostris, vel Irmengardis quondam uxoris mee, ..." Cart Mâcon, 283-4 (#488)].

Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth:

Date of death: 8 April 935 × 21 September 942.
Place of death: Unknown.

Father: Manassès, d. 918×920, count of Chalon.

Although they are not otherwise identified in the above charter naming Ermengarde's parents, it is reasonably certain that Ermengarde's parents are the same individuals as the count Manassès and his wife Ermengarde who appear in other sources.

Spouse: Liétaud, d. 958×960, count of Mâcon.


MALE Aubry II, count of Mâcon.
In a charter of January 962, count Aubry mentions his parents Liétaud and Ermengarde ["ego Albericus, gratia Dei comes, ... pro remedio animæ meæ ac patris mei Leotaldi ac matris meæ Ermengardis, ..." Cart. Cluny, 2: 215 (#1124)].


Cart. Cluny = A. Bernard & A. Bruel, Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Cluny, 6 vols., (Paris, 1876-1903).

Cart. Mâcon = M.-C. Ragut, ed., Cartulaire de Saint-Vincent de Mâcon (Mâcon, 1864).

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

First uploaded 24 April 2008.

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