Ermengarde is known from two charters, The first, a charter of Hervé, bishop of Autun ["Heriveus ejusdem miseratione humilis Eduorum episcopus"], dated 31 October 920, mentioned his mother Ermengarde (Hirmingardis) and his brothers ["dilectæ genetricis nostræ domnæ Hirmingardis venerabilis comitissæ et fratrum nostrorum"], his avunculus bishop Walo ["domnus Walo, pius presul et noster avunculus"], and was signed by Ermengarde and her sons Walo, Giselbert, and Manassès ["Hirmingardis Dei misericordia comitissa firmavit. Signum Walonis filii ejus. Signum Gisleberti filii ejus alterius. Signum Manassæ filii ejus." Cart. Autun, 42-4 (#26); see also RHF 9: 717-8]. The other was a donation of Ermengarde in June 924 to Saint-Marcel-lès-Chalon, in which her son Giselbert consented ["... munificentiam Ermengardis comitisse et deo devote, seu filii ejus Gisleberti comitis illustris, ... S. Ermengardis que fieri et firmare rogavit. S. Gisleberti qui consensit." Cart. S.-Marcel-lès-Chalon (#27)].
Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth: Unknown.
Date of death: After June 924.
Place of
death: Unknown.
Father: Unknown.
Mother: Unknown.
For a conjecture, see the Commentary
Spouse: Manassès, d. 918×920, count.
The four sons were all named in the 920 charter mentioned above.
Documentation for the daughter appears in a donation to Cluny
dated 8 or 12 April 935, when the younger Ermengarde and her
husband mentioned the names of their parents ["... ego
Leotaldus, Dei gratia comes, necnon et uxor mea Ermengardis, pro
Dei amore et eterna retributione, ut pius Dominus animas nostras
vel parentum nostrorum, Alberici atque Tolosane, Manassei et
Ermengardis, ..." Cart. Cluny, 1: 420 (#432); for the
date, see ibid., 421, n. 1]. For more details on these
individuals, see the page of Manassès.
Walo, living 924.
Giselbert, d. 8 April 956, duke of Burgundy, m. Ermengarde.
Manassès, count, living 925.
Hervé, bishop of Autun.
m. Liétaud, count of Mâcon.
Conjectured father (unproven): Boson, d. 887, king of Provence.
Conjectured mother (unproven): NN, sister of Guy,
count of Atuyer, and of Anscario, marquis of
Ermengarde is identified by Chaume as the
daughter of Boson who was engaged to Carloman (d. 884), son of
king Louis II "le Bègue" [Chaume (1925), 1: 266, n. 2,
539 (table VI), 545 (table IX), 549 (table XI)] This parentage of
Ermengarde is based on an uncertain early reading from a now
illegible manuscript, and is discussed in more detail on the page
of Manassès.
Supposed brother: Hervé, d. 922, archbishop of Reims,
[Verneuil (1876), 31, citing "Cusset.
- Duchesne." with no further details] Since Ermengarde had a
son named Hervé, this might just be an onomastic guess.
Cart. Autun = A. de Charmasse, ed., Cartulaire de l'église d'Autun (Paris & Autun, 1865).
Cart. Cluny = A. Bernard & A. Bruel, Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Cluny, 6 vols., (Paris, 1876-1903).
Cart. S.-Marcel-lès-Chalon = Paul Canat de Chizy, ed., Cartulaire du prieuré de Saint-Marcel lès-Chalon (Chalon-sur-Saône, 1894).
Chaume (1925) = Maurice Chaume, Les origines du duché de Bourgogne, 4 vols. (Dijon, 1925).
RHF = Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France.
Verneuil (1876) = Quarré de Verneuil, "Le comté de Chalon, le Charollais, et la ville de Paray-le-Monial", Annales de l'Académie de Mâcon 15 (1877), 3-200.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
First uploaded 24 April 2008.