Wife of Hugues, count of Tours.
In an act at Olonna in Italy on 10 August 836, the emperor Lothair I granted the possession of Locate in Mailand on the river Lambro to Auua, wife of Hugues ["... deuotissimæ nobis Auue coniugis uidelicet Ugonis obtimatis nostri concessimus quandam curtem ex fisco nostro uocatam Locadum consistentem in territorio Mediolanense super fluuio Lambro ..." Frisi, 2: 7 (#4); some capitalization changed from version printed there].
Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth: Unknown.
Date of death: 4×5 September 839.
Place of
death: Unknown.
The necrology of Monza states that
Aba, wife of duke Hugues and mother-in-law of emperor Lothair,
died on 4 September, and the she survived her husband for almost
two years, which fixes the year as 839 ["O. Dna Aba
coniux Dni Ugonis ducis de locate. et socrus Dni Lotharii
Imperatoris. superuixit uiro pene annis duobus religiosissimam
ducens uitam. Obiit pridie nonas septembris anno ab incarnatione
Dni . . ." Frisi, 3: 131]. The Martyrology of
Wandelbert of Prüm has a marginal entry which places her death
date at 5 September ["Deposicio Abae." MGH
Poet.Lat. 2: 593 (line 541 n.); Tellenbach (1957), 338 (829)].
Father: Unknown.
See the Commentary section for a
conjectured brother.
Mother: Unknown.
Spouse: Hugues, d. 20 October 837, count of Tours.
See the page of Hugues for more details.
d. 20 March 851;
m. Tours, October 821, Lothair I, d.
28×9 September 855, emperor.
Liutfrid, d. 865×6, count, duke.
Adélaïde, d. 18 August, prob. bef.
m. Conrad/Konrad, count in Argengau, son of count Welf.
m. Gérard II "de Roussillon", d.
878×9, count of Paris, count of Vienne.
Hugues, d. bef. 24 January 835, bur.
St. Ambrosius, Milan.
Conjectured brother: Matfrid, d. 836, count of Orléans.
[Krüger (1890), 7; Parisot (1898), 165 n.
5; Poupardin (1901), 298-9] The reason behind this conjecture is
that a certain Engeltrude, daughter of a Matfrid (and probably
granddaughter of count Matfrid of Orléans), was called a
relative (propinqua) of king Lothaire II in his divorce
case [Hincmar, De divortio Lotharii et Tetbergæ,
quæstio V, PL 125: 754]. It is a reasonable hypothesis, but
clear proof is lacking.
Chaume (1925) = Maurice Chaume, Les origines du duché de Bourgogne, 4 vols. (Dijon, 1925).
Frisi = Anton-Francesco Frisi, Memorie Storiche di Monza e sua corte, 3 vols.(Milan, 1794).
Krüger (1890) = Emil Krüger, Der Ursprung des Hauses Lothringen-Habsburg (Vienna, 1890).
MGH Poet. Lat. = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Poetae latini aevi carolini.
Parisot (1898) = Robert Parisot, Le Royaume de Lorraine sous les Carolingiens (1898, reprinted Geneva, 1975).
PL = P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus, series Latina, 221 vols. (Paris, 1844-1859).
Poupardin (1901) = René Poupardin, Le royaume de Provence sous les Carolingiens (Paris, 1901).
Tellenbach (1957) = Gerd Tellenbach, "Exkurs über die ältesten Welfen im West- und Ostfrankreich", in Gerd Tellenbach, ed., Studien und Vorarbeiten zur Geschichte des großfränkischen und frühdeutschen Adels (Forschungen zur oberrheinischen Landesgeschichte 4, Freiburg, 1957), 335-340, reprinted in Gerd Tellenbach, Ausgewählte Abhandlungen und Aufsätze, 5 vols. (Stuttgart, 1988), 3: 826-832.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
First uploaded 16 August 2012.
Minor change added 14 September 2012 (date of death).