Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth: Unknown.
Date of death: 20 March 851.
["domna Hirmingarda imperatris obiit 13. Kal. April."
Annales Laubacenses, s.a. 851, MGH SS 1: 15; "Obiit
Ermengardis regina." Annales Prumienses, s.a.
851, MGH SS 15: 1291; "obiit Hirmingardis regina,
coniunx Lotharii imperatoris, venerabilis et Deo acceptabilis
matrona, quae tres filios Lothario genuerat, videlicet Ludowicum,
Lotharium et Carolum." Regino, Chronicon, s.a.
851, 75; "..., defuncta ante biennium Ermengarda
christianissima regina, ..." Ann. Bertin.,
s.a. 853, 43]
Place of death: Unknown.
Father: Hugues, d. 18 September or 20 October 837, count of Tours.
Mother: Ève (Ava, Aba), d. 4×5 September 839.
Spouse: m. October 821, Lothair I, d. 855, emperor.
["Medio mense Octobrio conventus
generalis apud Theodonis villam magna populi Francorum frequentia
celebratur, in quo domnus Hlotharius, primogenitus domni
imperatoris Hludowici, Irmingardam Hugonis comitis filiam solemni
more duxit uxorem." ARF, s.a. 821, 156]
See the page of Lothair I for more details.
Louis II, d. 12 August 875, king of
Italy; emperor, 855-875;
m. Engelberge.
Helletrude, d. after 865×6;
m. Bérenger, d. before 865×6, count.
Bertha, fl. 853, abbess of Avenay.
m. 846, Giselbert, fl. 840-863, count of Masau
and Darnau.
Gisela, d. 28 May, 860 or before;
abbess of St. Salvatore, Brescia.
Lothair II,
d. 8 August 869, king of Lorraine, 855-869;
m. (1) Teutberga, daughter
of count Boso;
m. (2) (not recognized) Waldrada.
Rotrude, baptized in Pavia, 835×840;
probably m. Lambert, count, possibly the same
person as Lambert II, d. 852, count of Nantes.
Charles, d. 24 January 863, king of
Provence, 855-863.
[ NN, m. at
Worms, 841, NN.]
A daughter of Lothair was married at Worms
in 841 ["Ibi celebratis filiae suae nuptiis, ..."
Ann. Fuld., s.a. 841, 32]. It is unknown whether or not
this daughter was identical with one of the above listed
ARF = Georg Pertz & Friedrich Kurze, Annales Regni Francorum (Annals of the kingdom of the Franks), MGH SRG 6 (Hannover, 1895).
Ann. Bertin. = G. Waitz, ed., Annales Bertiniani (MGH SRG 6, Hannover, 1883).
MGH SS = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores series.
Regino, Chronicon = Friedrich Kurze, ed., Reginonis abbatis Prumiensis Chronicon cum continuatione Treverensi (MGH SRG, Hannover, 1890).
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
First uploaded 16 August 2012.