Date of Birth: Unknown.
Place of
Birth: Unknown.
Date of Death: 28 June 1017.
[Chron. Rothomag., RHF 10, 322 (year only); Ex
Obituario Gemmeticensi, RHF 23, 420 (28 June); Notæ
Monasterii Montis Sancti Micaelis, RHF 23, 579 (28 June)]
Other death dates in the same month have been offered for Judith,
but the evidence for these dates is unclear. [e.g., Breese
(1988), 208 (17 June 1017); ES 2, 79 (16 June 1017)]
Place of Death: Unknown.
Father: Conan I, d. 27 June 992, count of Rennes, count (princeps) of Brittany.
Ermengarde, d. aft. 992, daughter of Geoffrey I, count of Anjou.
The Angevin genealogical collection states that Judith,
wife of Richard of Normandy, was the daughter of Conan by his
wife Ermengarde, daughter of Geoffroy of Anjou [Poupardin (1900),
m. 996×1008, Richard II, d. 23 August 1026, duke of Normandy. [GND iv, 13 (vol. 2, pp. 28-9)]
[GND iv, 13 (vol. 2, pp. 28-9)] See the page of Richard II of Normandy for more details.
Richard III, d. 5 or 6 August 1027,
duke of Normandy.
Robert I "le
Magnifique", d. 1×3 July 1035,
duke of Normandy.
William, d. 1025, monk at Fécamp.
Adélaide, m. Renaud I,
count of Burgundy.
NN, m. Baldwin IV,
count of Flanders.
Mathilde, d. 1033.
See also the bibliography on the page of Richard II.
Breese (1988) = Lauren Wood Breese, "Early Normandy and the emergence of Norman Romanesque architecture", Journal of Medieval History 14 (1988), 203-216.
ES = Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln (neue Folge), (Marburg, 1980-present).
GND = Guillaume de Jumièges, Gesta Normannorum Ducum, as edited in Elisabeth van Houts, ed. & trans., The Gesta Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis and Robert of Torigni, 2 vols., (Oxford, 1992). Citation is by book and chapter of Guillaume's work, with the volume and page number of the edition by van Houts in parentheses. Unless otherwise stated, references are to Guillaume's work, and not to later additions by such authors as Orderic Vitalis and Robert de Torigni.
Poupardin (1900) = René Poupardin, "Généalogies angevines du XIe siècle", Mélanges d'Archéologie et d'Histoire (Paris, Rome) 20 (1900):199-208.
RHF = Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
Uploaded 17 December 2005.