The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England

FEMALE Ermengarde d'Anjou

Wife of Conan I de Rennes.

Date of Birth: Unknown.
Place of Birth: Unknown.

Date of Death: Unknown.
Place of Death: Unknown.

Father: Geoffroy I "Grisegonelle", d. 987, count of Anjou.
Rodulfus Glaber [ii, 3 (pp. 30-1)] states that Conan married a sister of count Foulques of Anjou, the Chronicle of S. Florent says that Geoffrey was son of Conan by a sister of Foulques [Lobineau (1707), 2: 85], and the Angevin genealogical collection states that Judith, wife of Richard of Normandy, was the daughter of Conan by his wife Ermengarde, daughter of Geoffroy of Anjou [Poupardin (1900), 208].

Mother: Adèle de Troyes, daughter of Robert I, count of Troyes.
Chronologically, Ermengarde must be a daughter of Geoffroy's first marriage.


Conan I, d. 27 June 992, count of Rennes.

See the page of
Conan I for a detailed discussion of his children, including some doubtful ones not listed here. Both Geoffroy and Judith are directly documented as Ermengarde's children.

MALE Geoffroy I, d. 1008, duke of Brittany.
The Cronicle of S. Florent says that Geoffrey was son of Conan by a sister of Foulques [Lobineau (1707), 2: 85].

FEMALE Judith, m. Richard II, duke of Normandy.
The Angevin genealogical collection states that Judith, wife of Richard of Normandy, was the daughter of Conan by his wife Ermengarde, daughter of Geoffroy of Anjou [Poupardin (1900), 208].

Possible children:
The following children of Conan are not directly documented as children of Ermengarde, but they could be her children. However, if the statement that Judicaël became bishop during the life of his father is correct [Cart. Redon, 309], placing him as a son of Ermengarde would be a tight chronological fit.

MALE Judicaël, bishop of Vannes.

MALE Catuallon, abbot of Redon.

MALE Urvod.


Incorrect indentification:

Ermengarde d'Anjou, wife of Conan I de Rennes, is combined by some authors with her sister,

Gerberge d'Anjou, wife of Guillaume IV, count of Angoulême, into a single individual,

Ermengarde/Gerberge, supposedly m. (1) Conan I; (2) Guillaume IV.

The only reasons given for this identification are that the Saint-Aubin genealogies only give Geoffroy Grisegonelle one daughter (Ermengarde), and that double names were common in this family [Bachrach (1984), 117, n. 35]. The first point is not a strong one, and the second point is debatable, since the other examples of "double names" given by Bachrach involve the use of "Blanche" (Blanca, "white") as a surname [see Settipani (1997), 251], similar to the use of epithets like "Grisegonelle" and "Nerra" among the men. In any case, in the absence of evidence connecting Ermengarde and Gerberge, there is no good reason to interpret the evidence in any way other than the obvious one: that they were two different daughters with two different names.


Bachrach (1984) = Bernard S. Bachrach, "Henry II and the Angevin Tradition of Family Hostility", Albion 16 (1984), 111-130.

Cart. Redon = M. Aurélien de Courson, Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Redon (Collection de documents inédites sur l'histoire de France, Paris, 1863).

Lobineau (1707) = Gui Alexis Lobineau, Histoire de Bretagne, 2 vols., (Paris, 1707).

Poupardin (1900) = René Poupardin, "Généalogies angevines du XIe siècle", Mélanges d'Archéologie et d'Histoire (Paris, Rome) 20 (1900):199-208.

Rodulfus Glaber = Maurice Prou, ed., Raoul Glaber - les cinq livres de ses histoires (900-1044) (Paris, 1886).

Settipani (1997) = Christian Settipani, "Les comtes d'Anjou et leur alliances aux Xe et XIe siècles", in K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, ed., Family Trees and the Roots of Politics (Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1997): 211-267.

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

First uploaded 11 May 2006.

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