The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England

MALE Landry (alias Lancelin) de Baugency

Lord of Baugency, fl. 1027×8-1050.

He appears with his father Landry in charters of 1022 (as Landricus) and 1020×1037 (as Lancelinus), and appears to have used both names [RHF 10: 607; Lex (1892), 152; see the page of Landry for more details]. He appears in a charter of king Robert II in 1027×8 ["S. Lancelini de Balgenciaco." RHF 10: 618] and one of count Eudes in 1034×7 ["S. Lancelin de Balgenziaco." Lex (1892), 159-160 (Pièces justificatives #24)], and he was present at the dedication of Saint-Trinité at Vendôme on 31 May 1040 ["S. Landrici de Balgentiaco." Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 60 (#35), 69 (#36); RHF 11: 507]. Sometime in the period 1032×1052, Agnès, wife of count Geoffroy Martel, purchased the church of Saint-Bienheuré de Vendôme from Lancelin de Baucency, and acquired the church of Saint-Jean de Châteaudun from Lancelin's sons Jean and Lancelin ["a Lancelino dominico vasso de castro Balgentiaco, ...; ... a filiis ejusdem Lancelini, scilicet Johanne et Lancelino, ..." Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 43 (#22), where the editor gives before 1040 as the date; the charter was certainly after Geoffroy's marriage to Agnès on 1 January 1032, and before 15 August 1052, when Geoffroy appears with his second wife Grécie; Anselme, 3: 170 dates the act to 1040]. Since he was succeeded as lord of Baugency by a son of the same name, his chronology is difficult to determine. He appears to be the man who was appearing in charters of Trinité de Vendôme, sometimes as Lancelin [e.g. "... Lancelino de Balgentiaco ..." in June 1047, Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 135-6 (#74)], but more often as Landry (see above), between 1033 and 1050 [see also ibid., 1: 23 (#9), 26 (#10), 83 (#38), 92 (#40), 96 (#44), 102 (#48), 174 (#95)].

Date of Birth: Unknown.
Place of Birth: Unknown.

Date of Death: Living 1050, perhaps d. 1051×1060.
He appears in the act of 1050 in which count Geoffroy Martel granted the countship of Vendôme to his nephew Foulques l'Oison ["Landricus de Balgentiaco" Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 174 (#95)]. Several secondary sources put his death in the range 1051×1060 [Anselme, 3: 170; Montzey (1877), 14, 16; Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 23, n. 1].
Place of Death: Unknown.

Father: Landry de Baugency, fl. 989-1022.

Mother: Unknown.

Spouse: Unknown.
See the Commentary section.

His sons Lancelin and Jean are proven by the charter of 1032×1052 mentioned above and by Orderic Vitalis ["Helias dixit, '... Nam filia Herberti comitis Lancelino de Balgenceio nupsit eique Lancelinum Radulfi patrem et Iohannem meum genitorem peperit. ...' " OV viii, 11 (vol. 4, pp. 192-9)]. The remaining children are listed as siblings of the younger Lancelin in various charters listed below.

MALE Lancelin (alias Landry), lord of Baugency, fl. 1067-1090, m. Alberge/Adelberge.
Along with his brother Hervé, Lancelin approved a donation of his sister Adélaïde on 12 April 1067 [Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 313-4 (#182), see below]. On 2 August 1090, he is mentioned as having taken Geoffroy de Preuilly captive [Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 2: 52 (#334); see also ibid., 1: 321 (#185), 431-6 (#279), 457 (#299); 2: 1-6 (#301), 13 (#307); he appears as Lancelin in these charters during his lifetime - for Landry as an alias see ibid., 2: 170 (#411), 250 (#462)]. The name of his wife comes from Anselme [3: 171, citing the cartulary of Baugency]

MALE Jean de La Flèche, d. after 13 February 1087, lord of La Flèche, m. Paula.

FEMALE Adélaïde, fl. 12 April 1067, m. Joscelin Bodel.
Adélaïde made a donation in a charter of 12 April 1067, in which she is called a sister of Lancelin de Baugency and Hervé de Lavardin ["Adeleldis, uxor Joscelini Bodeli cognominati, dederit ..., jussu et auctoramento Lancelini de Balgentiaco et Hervei de Lavarzino fratrum suorum, ..." Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 313-4 (#182)].

MALE Hervé de Lavardin, fl. 1067-1079, lord of Lavardin, m. Aveline, daughter of Solomon de Lavardin.
Hervé is called a brother of of Adélaïde and Lancelin de Baugency in the above charter of Adélaïde, and is also called a brother of Lancelin in a charter of Lancelin de Baugency dated 2 February and 1 June 1079 ["ego Lancelinus miles qui dicor et de Baugenciaco, ... pro salute animæ meæ parentumque meorum et filii mei Radulphi ... ; ... Radulfo filio ipsius Lancellini et sorore ejus, qui auctorizaverunt, Herveo fratre ipsius Lancelini de Lavarzino, Antelmo de Bellomonte, Archembaldo monacho." Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 431-6 (#263)]. [for his wife, see Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 314, n. 1 (original source not given)]

MALE Hugues de Beaumont, fl. 1082, m. Auxonde.
He appears as a brother of Lancelin in a charter of 10 May 1082 ["Hugo de Bellomonte, frater Lancelini de Balgentiaco ... Testes: Antelmus frater, Auxondis uxor" Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 2: 13 (#307)]

MALE Antelm de Beaumont, fl. 1079-1082.
He appears as a brother of Hugues in the above charter of 1082 [see also
Cart. Trinité de Vendôme, 1: 435 (#279), 457 (#299); 2: 6 (#301)].


Supposed wife: NN, daughter of Herbert I, count of Maine.
This comes from a statement of Orderic Vitalis (see above), who seems confused as to the exact manner in which the lords of La Flèche inherited Maine. If true, there is no justification for giving her name as Paula, as is sometimes done [e.g., Anselme, 3: 170]. See the page of
Paula for a discussion.


Anselme = Père Anselme, Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France, 9 vols. (Paris, 1726-33).

Cart. Trinité de Vendôme = Charles Métais, Cartulaire de l'abbaye cardinale de la Trinité de Vendôme, 5 vols. (Paris, 1893-1904).

Lex (1892) = Léonce Lex, Eudes, comte de Blois, de Tours, de Chartres, de Troyes et de Meaux (995-1037) et Thibaud, son frère (995-1004) (Troyes, 1892).

Montzey (1877) = Charles de Montzey, Histoire de La Flèche et de ses seigneurs (Le Mans, Paris, 1877).

OV = Marjorie Chibnall, ed. & trans., The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, 6 vols. (Oxford, 1969-80).

PL = P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus, series Latina, 221 vols. (Paris, 1844-1859).

Compiled by Stewart Baldwin

Uploaded 10 January 2008.

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