Landry de Baugency appears in a charter of Robert, viscount of Blois, in 989 ["S. Landrici de Balgentiaco." Lex (1892), 124-5 (Pièces justificatives #3)], and he is probably the Landricus appearing in a 1015 charter of count Eudes II of Blois, signing next to a John who might be his son of that name ["S. Landrici. S. Johannis." Lex (1892), 142-3 (Pièces justificatives #12)]. A charter of Renard, a knight and vassal of Landric de Baugency, dateable in the period 1020×1037 (probably toward the beginning of that period), mentions Landericus and his sons Johannes, Lancelinus, and Herveus ["..., manibusque senioris mei Landrici Balgentiacensis, in presentia comitis Gausfridi necnon multorum virorum fidelium, quorum nomina infra sunt scripta, affirmare rogavi. - S. Rainaldi. S. Landrici. S. Johannis, filii ejus. S. Lancelini, filii ejus. S. Hervei, filii ejus. S. Fulcradi, hominis ejus. S, Godefridi, hominis ejus. S. Rainaldi Farsiti. S. Ascelini. S. Hilgoddi. S. Teoderici Gaillardi. S. Guarnerii prepositi. - S. Odonis comitis. S. Theobaldi comitis. S. Stephani comitis. S. Fulco comitis. S. Gausfredi comitis. S. Huberti episcopi. S. Berengerii." Lex (1892), 150-2 (Pièces justificatives #18)]. A charter of king Robert II, in 1022, mentions the miles (soldier, knight) Landricus and his sons Landricus, Johannes, and Hericeus ["..., Landrico Milite Balgenciacensi, et filii ejus Landrico, Johanne et Hericeo idipsum consentientibus, ..." RHF 10: 607], probably the same individuals, as his son appears to have used both of the names Lancelin and Landry.
Date of Birth: Unknown.
Place of
Birth: Unknown.
Date of Death: After 1022.
Place of
Death: Unknown.
Father: Unknown.
Mother: Unknown.
Spouse: Unknown.
Landry alias
Lancelin, fl. 1027×8-1050,
lord of Baugency.
Jean, living 1022.
Hervé (or Héric), living 1022.
Lex (1892) = Léonce Lex, Eudes, comte de Blois, de Tours, de Chartres, de Troyes et de Meaux (995-1037) et Thibaud, son frère (995-1004) (Troyes, 1892).
RHF = Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
Uploaded 10 January 2008.