Adélaïde appears in a charter with her parents on 11 December 942 ["S. Giselberti comitis ... S. Ermengardis, que consensit, Adaleidis filie eorum ..." Werner (1960), 112, n. 95]. Robert appears as a witness to a charter of Giselbert dated between 19 June 949 and 18 June 950 [Werner (1960), 111 & n. 89]. She signed along with her husband Robert and son Heribert in an act at Troyes on 6 August 959 ["Placuit atque convenit inter gloriosum Trecassine urbis comitem Robertum et Gratianum abbatem monasterii sancti Petri Dervensis, ... Signum Rotberti, gloriosissimi comitis. S. Adelais comitisse. S. Erberti filii eorum. ..." Cart. Montiéramey, 19 (#14); see also Lot (1901), 269; Werner (1960), 112]. She evidently survived her husband, and appears with Robert's brother count Heribert in a fragment of the cartulary of Montiéramey ["... S. Adeleidae comitissae, S. Ettini, S. Eriberti comitis ..." Werner (1960), 112-3, n. 95].
The identification as the same person of Adélaïde, daughter of Giselbert of Burgundy in the 942 document, Adélaïde, wife of Robert of Troyes in the 959 document, and Werra, the daughter of Giselbert who married Robert (from Odoran's chronicle, see below) is covered on Giselbert's page.
Date of birth: Unknown.
Place of birth: Unknown.
Date of death: Probably after 19 June 966.
She evidently survived her
husband, who was still living on 19 June 966.
Place of death: Unknown.
Father: Giselbert, d.
8 April 956, duke of Burgundy.
["Et Gislebertus, comes
Burgundionum obiit, et honorem ejus cum filia, nomine Leudegarde,
ex qua postea a Rodulpho Divionensi pipicus factus, Otho, frater
Hugonis ducis recepit. Aliam vero filiam, nomine Werram, duxit in
matrimonium Robertus, comes Trecasinorum." Odoran, Chronicon,
s.a. 956, Bib. Hist. Yonne, 2: 395 (also RHF 8: 237)]
Mother: Ermengarde.
She is known from the charter of 11
December 942 (see above).
Spouse: m. 11 December 942 × 18 June 950, Robert, d. after 19 June 966; count of Meaux, 946-; count of Troyes, 956-.
Heribert "juvenus",
d. 28 January 995 or 996, count of Meaux and Troyes,
living 6 March 974, m. ca. 965, Geoffroy I Grisegonelle, d. 987, count of Anjou.
For details, see Adèle's page.
Falsely attributed
daughter or sister:
attributed identification:
m. (1) Lambert, d. probably 978, count of Chalon; (2) Geoffroy I
Grisegonelle, d. 987, count of
For an account of the confusions which have led to the above problems, see the pages of Adélaïde of Chalon and Giselbert.
For some other supposed additional children, see the page of Robert.
Bib. Hist. Yonne = Louis-Maximilien Duru, ed., Bibliothèque historique de l'Yonne, 2 vols., (Auxerre & Paris, 1850-63).
Cart. Montiéramey = Charles Lalore, ed., Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Montiéramey (Collection des principaux cartulaires du diocèse de Troyes, 7, Paris & Troyes, 1890).
Lot (1891) = Ferdinand Lot, Les derniers Carolingiens (Paris, 1891).
RHF = Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France.
Werner (1960) = Karl Ferdinand Werner, "Untersuchungen zur Frühzeit des französischen Fürstentums (9.-10. Jahrhundert): V. Zur Geschichte des Hauses Vermandois", Die Welt als Geschichte 20 (1960): 87-119.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
First uploaded 24 April 2008.