Greetings from the American Society of Genealogists, and welcome to our newly-updated website. We hope that it will serve both our own Fellows, and the public, as a point of access, and a reminder of the role of our Society in the genealogical community.
ASG Fellows strive to teach by example. Formats change, source access waxes and wanes, but excellence in genealogical publishing should always have a timeless quality. Our Jacobus Award goes to exceptional published genealogical works. A list of award-winning books appears here. Some of our Fellows have selected bibliographies linked here. Several years of first-rate genealogical articles in The Genealogist are listed here, with a few samples available in full here. In the pages of these works you may find inspiration, techniques, and answers. Sometimes the best path to a solution is knowing whom to ask. Most active Fellows are very willing to field questions in their areas of interest.
— Melinde Lutz Byrne, President