ASG Scholar Award for 2016: Applications now Open

Applications are now being accepted for the ASG Scholar Award for 2016 (deadline: August 31, 2015). This annual grant of $1000 is awarded for study at one of five major academic genealogical programs in the United States (listed below). Candidacy for the award is open to all genealogists, genealogical librarians, and researchers working in related fields. Applicants submit a published work or a manuscript of work in progress, to be judged by a panel of three Fellows. The goal of the award is to recognize talent and build genealogical expertise by providing promising genealogists the opportunity to receive advanced academic training in genealogy.

  • The Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR), held for one week each June and based at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, was founded in 1964 to provide a structured program of genealogical study at an academic level. It offers tracks of study, ranging from beginning to advanced research methodology, professional genealogy, and other specialized topics. The scholarship will apply to any of the advanced courses taught at the Birmingham campus. Write to: IGHR Director, Samford University Library, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35229.
  • The National Institute on Genealogical Research (NIGR), held for one week each July and based at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., is the nation’s oldest institute for genealogical education, founded in 1950. NIGR provides a unique program of advanced instruction in the use of National Archives records. Write to: NIGR Director, P.O. Box 24564, Baltimore, MD 21214.
  • The Certificate Program in Genealogical Research at Boston University consists of five modules, offered on Saturdays in seven-hour sessions: Foundations, Technology, Evidence, Forensic, and Ethnic and Geographic Specialties. Write to: Center for Professional Education, 1010 Commonwealth Ave., 2nd Floor, Boston MA 02215.
  • The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG), sponsored by the Utah Genealogical Association, is in its 20th year and is a week-long intensive educational experience that takes students deep into their topic of choice. SLIG is dedicated to offering courses that fill a high-intermediate and advanced-level educational need. However, each year a handful of courses are included which provide a wealth of information and background information required to help intermediate and transitional genealogists strengthen their core understanding of the research process. Write to: The Utah Genealogical Association, PO Box 1144, Salt Lake City, UT 84110 or contact
  • The Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP), located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The instructors are all experienced genealogical researchers, lecturers, and writers who bring their expertise into the classroom with case studies and problem solving exercises. The students come from a wide variety of backgrounds but all share their passion for family history and for learning how to efficiently break down “brick wall” genealogical puzzles. Various different week-long genealogical courses which incorporate hands-on learning in a state-of-the-art and friendly community atmosphere. Write to: GRIP of Pittsburgh, PO Box 44, Wexford, PA 15090.


Applicants for the 2016 award should apply before August 31, 2015, by submitting three copies of the items below:

  • a résumé that emphasizes activities relating to genealogy and lists the applicant’s publications in the field, if any (prior publications are not necessary).
  • a manuscript or published work of at least 5,000 words, demonstrating an ability to conduct quality genealogical research, analyze results, and report findings in an appropriately documented fashion. If the submission is to be returned, it should be accompanied by an envelope or bagging with sufficient postage.
  • a statement (100–150 words) which (1) identifies the individual’s choice of program and (2) explains why the individual feels that attendance will enhance his or her growth as a genealogical scholar.

The ASG Scholarship Committee, chaired by the ASG vice-president, will make the selection for the award. Announcement of the award winner for 2016 will be made by October 17, 2015. Applications should be addressed to:

Henry Z Jones, Jr., FASG
Chair, ASG Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 261388 San Diego, CA 92196-1388

Read more about the award and see a list of past recipients at Awards > ASG Scholar Award.

Photo Archive: 2014 Meeting

Here are 25 of the Fellows at the ASG annual meeting held Saturday, 11 October 2014 at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City.


Seated: Dearborn, Thompson, Hinchliff, Greene, Hatcher, Hyde, Joslyn (kneeling).
Standing: Taylor, Sperry, Stott, Saxbe, R. Anderson, C. Hansen, Baldwin, Byrne, J. Hansen, Mills, Remington, H. Jones, Harris, Bamberg, Ullmann, J. Anderson, Smith, Hart.

ASG Scholar Award for 2015 to Chip Rowe

At their meeting in Salt Lake City on October 11, 2014, the Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists granted their annual A.S.G. Scholar Award to Chip Rowe of Garrison, New York, for his article, “Who Was Joel Holcomb of Wallingford, Connecticut?” which appeared in the July 2013 issue of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. The ASG Scholar Award rewards talented genealogists with stipends to pursue advanced academic training in genealogy. Mr. Rowe has elected to use his stipend to attend the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research at Samford University (Birmingham, Alabama) in 2015.

Descendants of Governor Thomas Welles wins 2014 Jacobus Award

welles-coverAt its meeting in Salt Lake City on October 11, 2014, the Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists voted to give the Donald Lines Jacobus Award to Descendants of Governor Thomas Welles of Connecticut, Volume 1, 2nd ed. (Wetherfield, Conn.: Wells Family Association, 2013), by newly-elected Fellow Barbara Jean Mathews. This volume treats four generations and lists children of the fifth, beginning from Thomas Welles, an early governor of Connecticut. This book is an update to the first edition by the late Donna Holt Siemiatkoski, with Mathews providing greatly expanded biographies and thorough documentation of all sources.

New Fellows: Michael F. Dwyer and Barbara Jean Mathews

The Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists held their annual meeting on Saturday, October 11, 2014, in Salt Lake City. Michael F. Dwyer of Pittsford, Vermont, and Barbara Jean Mathews, CG, of Lexington, Massachusetts, were elected to the Society as its 162nd and 163rd members, respectively.

Michael F. Dwyer has published articles in all of the major New England scholarly genealogical journals over the past twenty-five years. His expertise spans numerous ethnic groups, including New England Yankee, the immigrant Irish, French-Canadian, and French; his many articles have treated families in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and French Canada. He currently is the head of the English Department and an English and Social Studies teacher at Otter Valley Union High School in Rutland, Vermont. In 2004 he was named Vermont Teacher of the Year.

Barbara Jean Mathews, CG, has published four books and numerous genealogical articles. Over the years she has actively promoted scholarly genealogy, both as a trustee of the Board for Certification of Genealogists and through lectures and articles in other venues. She is currently the Verifying Genealogist of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America.

Photo Archive: 2013 Meeting

Here are 28 of the Fellows at the ASG annual meeting, held Saturday, 12 October 2013 (at 13:54 MDT) at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City.


Seated: Greene, Hyde, H. Jones, Byrne, Saxbe, Hatcher, Zubrinsky, R. Anderson.
Standing: J. Anderson, Remington, Thompson, Joslyn, Taylor, Sperry, Dearborn, Hill, Hinchliff, Harris, J. Hansen, Baldwin, Bamberg, Reed, T. Jones, Stott, Mahler, Ullmann, C. Hansen, Hart.

Alan Barber wins 2013 Jacobus Award

At its meeting in Salt Lake City on October 12, 2013, the American Society of Genealogists voted to give their annual Donald Lines Jacobus Award to David Kokernot: Rogue Soldier of the Texas Revolution, by Alan Barber.

Published in 2012, this biography and genealogy describes the fascinating life of the author’s ancestor, David Kokernot (1805–1892). Born in Amsterdam to poor Jewish parents, Kokernot moved with his family at age 13 to New Orleans. He eventually made his way to Texas where he became a fervent admirer of Sam Houston and left his mark as a ruthless and controversial pursuer of those who failed to back the cause of Texas independence. The book expertly documents Kokernot’s family, beginning with his great-grandfather in Amsterdam and concluding with his children in America, relying heavily on original records and meticulous documentation.

Photo Archive: 1969 Meeting

A photograph of the Fellows attending the 1969 World Conference on Records in Salt Lake City, August 3-9, 1969.


They are identified as follows:

Standing: Colket; Doane (rear, partly obscured); Rubincam; Zabriskie; Farnham; Dorman (behind Stern); Stern; Sheppard (obscured, also behind Stern); Stryker-Rodda; von Frank; Harriet Stryker-Rodda; Coddington.

Seated: Julia Colket; Virginia Livingston; Mrs. Farnham; Mary Harter; Annie Jester; Hannah Roach.

Photo Archive: 1972 Meeting

Here are the Fellows at the 1972 meeting in Columbia, South Carolina, on the front steps of Lace House:


The Fellows, spouses, and hosts are identified as follows:

Top to Bottom rows, left to right:

Top Row: Winston De Ville; Milton Rubincam; Rev. Dr. Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.; John Frederick Dorman; Virginia Pope Livingston; Margaret Dickson Falley.

Middle-Back Row: Kenneth Stryker-Rodda; Dagmar [Mrs. Nils W.] Olsson; Lucy Mary Kellogg; John D. Austin, Jr.

Middle-Middle Row: George McCracken; Frances Prindle; Paul Wesley Prindle; Marcia Austin.

Middle-Front Row: John Insley Coddington; [Mrs. Huxford’s granddaughter]; Rachel E. Barclay; Mary E. McCollam Harter; Jean Stephenson.

Front Row: Judge and Mrs. Folks Huxford; [Mrs. Huxford’s daughter, Mrs. Clark]; Florence Harlow Barclay; Malcolm Stern.

Fellow Dr. Nils William Olsson took the photograph. Malcolm Stern (lower right), holds his camera at the ready to swap with Dr. Olsson.

In this version (below), taken by Malcolm Stern, Dr. Olsson is now standing at the lower right, holding his (obviously superior) camera.1972_Stern