Photo Archive: 2016 Meeting

Here are 27 of the Fellows at the ASG annual meeting held Saturday, 8 October 2016 at the Plaza Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah.


Seated: Greene, J. Anderson, H. Jones, Saxbe, Hatcher, Hyde, Hill, Dearborn.
Standing: C. Hansen, Arthaud, Dwyer, Ullmann, Joslyn, Remington, Bamberg, Stott, J. Hansen, Sperry, Harris, T. Jones, Baldwin, Mills, Smith, Mahler, Reed, Byrne, Hart [Photo: Taylor].


Alternate view: Seated: Greene, J. Anderson, H. Jones, Saxbe, Hatcher, Hyde, Hill. Standing: C. Hansen, Arthaud, Dwyer, Ullmann, Joslyn, Remington, Bamberg, Stott, J. Hansen, Sperry, Harris, T. Jones, Baldwin, Mills, Smith, Mahler, Reed, Byrne, Hart, Taylor [Photo: Dearborn].